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ADMIRALTY Digital Publications

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Help using Admiralty Digital List of Lights and Admiralty Digital Radio Signals Online Update Service

The Admiralty Digital List of Lights (ADLL) and Admiralty Digital Radio Signals (ADRS) On-line Update Service

The ADLL / ADRS Online Update Service is designed for users that cannot take advantage of the automatic updating options within the Admiralty Digital Publications (ADP) program.

How Does It Work?

The Service enables you to request and download ADLL / ADRS Update files from the UKHO website. Update files can then be transferred to the computer running ADLL / ADRS and imported into the application(s). This is described in more detail in the ADLL / ADRS online Help.

Getting Started

In order to use this Service you must have a fully licensed version of the ADLL / ADRS. You must also have obtained and installed your Activation Key. Please refer to your ADLL / ADRS online Help for further information.

Step 1

Tick the relevant box(es) to identify which product you wish to update.

Step 2

Before downloading any update files, you must identify the latest week numbers already held in your ADLL / ADRS application(s). You can find this information about your installation from either the Update Toolbar or from the Filter Window. If the Update Toolbar is not visible, select 'Updating' from the 'View, Toolbars' menu. If the Filter Window is not visible, select 'Filter Window' from the 'Windows' menu. You can find more information in the Help pages of your application in the article: 'Knowing when to update'.

Step 3

Next you must select the week number(s) for the ADLL / ADRS that you wish to update from. For example, if the Area Data for the ADRS6 was updated to week number 32, you should select week number 32 in the ADRS6 Selection Box.

Please note that if you are updating more than one Area within the same application, you can only select from one update week number. For example if Area 3 is updated to week number 32 and Area 4 is updated to week number 35 you will need to perform 2 separate downloads from the UKHO website. You can select different week numbers where ADLL, ADRS2 or ADRS6 are updated to different week numbers but the Areas within each application must be updated to the same week number.

Step 4

Next you must select the Area(s) you wish to update. You can either choose to update all the Areas you have a licence to use or, if you prefer, only update one or two Areas at a time. If you choose not to update all of your Areas, you can visit the Online Update Service again at a later date to update other Areas you have licensed, but are not using at the moment. You can select the Areas from either the Adobe Flash Map or via the Area List.

Next, click on the 'Submit Update Request' button to request your Update files from the UKHO.

Step 5

Your Update files will now appear. To download the file, click on the file name.

Where more than one file has been requested you can either download the files one-by-one by selecting for example 'Area 4 ADLL update File (513KB)'. Alternatively, if relevant, you can select the option 'This file contains all your ADLL & ADRS Updates'.

Once the relevant file has been selected a pop-up window will appear. Select the 'Save' option. Next chose the location that you would like to save your Update files in and click 'Save'. This may be a location on your hard drive; alternatively you may need to save the files to floppy disk, CD-ROM or USB drive in order to transfer them to the PC which has the ADLL / ADRS installation.

Your Update files will now start to be downloaded to your chosen location (e.g. hard drive). A status bar may appear to indicate how long the download will take. When the download is complete click 'Close'. Remember, if you have chosen to download your update files one by one you must ensure you download and save all the files you need.

Once all files have been downloaded, close the 'Update Files' window by clicking the 'x' in the top right hand corner.

Step 6 - Update the ADLL / ADRS

Now, transfer your update files to the PC you are running the ADLL / ADRS program on.

Open either the ADLL / ADRS application and use 'File' - 'Data Updating Wizard', select 'Apply updates you've already downloaded or received' and select 'Next'. Alternatively you can run the 'Data Updating Wizard' by selecting the 'Start' button located at the bottom left of your screen, then 'Programs', 'Admiralty Digital Publications', 'Data Updating Wizard'.

Next, select 'Update from file' option and select 'Next'. Locate the appropriate .adllu /.rs2u / .rs6u files by selecting the '...' button to the right of the path shown in the text box and use the dialogue to navigate to the appropriate folder. Highlight the necessary file and select OK then Next to update your current data set.

Additional instructions if you have requested a single file that contains all your updates

If you have downloaded a single file that contains all your updates you will need to double-click on this file to extract the appropriate .adllu / .rs6u files. This will open the 'Xceed Zip Self-Extractor' dialogue box, select 'Continue' to automatically extract the .adllu / .rs2u / .rs6u files. When these have been extracted, continue with the update process as shown above.

Information about File Sizes

Every effort has been made to minimise the size of the ADLL / ADRS Update files. The updates downloaded from the Internet are 'incremental' - you only download the changes between the data you already have and the latest weekly update. This means Internet based updates are still cost-effective on slower Internet connections. The individual file sizes are very small, so even if you have missed several weeks' amendments, the single change file per area is still very small.

If, however, you need to download many weeks worth of data, (i.e. ALL nine areas updates for more than 15 weeks) it may be better to obtain all of the previous amendments from the weekly ADP Update CD supplied by the UKHO which is cumulative. If this need is urgent please contact either your Admiralty Distributor or the UKHO Helpdesk.


Please refer to The Mariners Handbook (NP100) (especially chapter 3 for important information on the use of navigational publications, their accuracy and limitations).

Carriage of Nautical Publications

Users are reminded of the need to carry officially issued nautical publications that are up-to-date and suitable for the intended voyage, as stated in the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention Chapter V Regulation 20 and the Merchant Shipping (Safety of Navigation) Regulations 2002. The ADLL and ADRS6 are regarded as acceptable alternatives to the official paper versions when approved as such by the relevant marine regulatory authorities - details of those that grant equivalence for ADLL and ADRS6 are available on the UKHO website

Support and Contact Information

For support with any Admiralty Digital Publication please contact the UKHO Helpdesk.

United Kingdom Hydrographic Office
Admiralty Way
United Kingdom